BEAUTY: Collagen Peptide Powder, Foundation & Hair Growth
*SIRENS* > I have BREAKING BEAUTY NEWS! Eeeeep - you better be on the edge of your (toilet) seat! If you’ve followed any of my beauty blogs in the past, you would know my choice of foundation lasted longer than my marriage (a decade for clarification) - UNTIL NOW! At this stage the only thing that’s lasted longer is my crush on Damian Walshe-Howling, oh Channel 7… bring back Blue Heelers! OIIIIEEY, It feels good to right about something light this week, my last post wiped me out - it’s been a crappy few weeks. On the eve of my last post about domestic violence here in Australia, I found out a very dear friend of mine lost a family member to suicide. I was an absolute mess when I wrote that post and while these feelings linger, today is a better day. I am back Strava-ing my way around Melbourne, back into Pilates and the sun is shining. So here’s to some gentle and helpful relief - I hope. For anyone who needs visual clarification on said lover, you’ll need to scroll through my beauty review. The reward is waiting!
BEAUTY: Serums, Sweet Smells & Peach Fuzz
In honour of the late and great Sinéad O'Connor, I will kick off my first beauty post on the new blog with a fitting reference… “It’s been seven hours and fifteeeeen dayssss”, jokes. It’s been more like 700 years and 38 hours, but I’m here now (and pumped).
EXCLUSIVE and hot off no one’s press, there seems to have been some sort of cosmic shift involving my bathroom cupboard and its contents. I’ve traditionally been quite rigid regarding my outlook on skincare and deviating from previously preferred products/brands. However, changes in circumstances have pushed me over the metaphorical edge of comfort.
In the past I have been pretty open about my PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), particularly when I was experiencing issues with fertility. After Max was born, my body actually seem to adjust to pretty regular periods and ovulation. However, in the last four months it’s gone haywire - yay. It’s been a particularly stressful few months and my period has completely disappeared. On top of this, my PCOS symptoms have flared up, as have my thyroid issues. For these reasons, I have been dipping my toes (and face) elsewhere. In this article I have shared some of the products I have been using, accompanied by some honest feedback.