New Year, New Me-hhhh…
A wise man once said… “why do we have to do this dance, everrrrrytime?” and ahh, yep. That is the theme for this post, but I do mean well.
Well, i’ve (finally) got a wave of roaring “we’re not here to f*ck spiders” kinda energy and i’m going launch straight into my ICK LIST: people who don’t indicate, shortening Christmas to x-mas, leaving messages that require acknowledgement/a response on *seen* (this includes memes & reels), stopping in the middle of the supermarket aisle, the phrase “good vibes only”, toxic positivity, bad manners, Valentine’s Day and New Year’s resolutions - just to name a few, lol. Geez, I sound like a grumpy Baby Boomer who has Jon Faine and Raf Epstein on speed dial! Me-hhhh. I kind of am, but with an outstanding Millennial taste in music. I guess the point of this post is to reassure anyone else who struggles with the pressure of having to feel extreme happiness and gratitude, particularly during the holiday season, that it’s OK. I hear ya’.