In 2023 I took on a handful of clients and have been quietly working away, but I am now eager to expand my client base.

If you are visiting from my archives you would know once upon a time I had a successful blog and online presence. Although I still love to write and create my own content that supports social issues I genuinely care about, I am much more comfortable behind the scenes these days. I have worked hard to ensure I am in a position where I can work for myself and do what I love, while still being a hands-on mum to my two children.

Admittedly advances in technology like generative AI are a little doomsday-esque for copywriters and content creators like myself, but you cannot replace or recreate the authenticity of a human being - particularly those with experience and skills. Successful business growth and brand validity requires a solid strategy, identity and a compelling story. Managing brand touchpoints through personality, genuine connection and distinction is what I deliver for my clients, with some added SJAY sparkle!

LET’S WORK TOGETHER THROUGH: content creation (photography & video), copywriting (including blog articles), social media posting (post boosting), podcast episodes, community management & analytics, brand & marketing strategy, brand story development, creative direction & influencer marketing.

I love working with clients who value an intimate and reciprocal working relationship and one where we can both share in your success. I am flexible in my approach and can step into any well oiled machine, but equally contribute to any client or brand struggles - from the ground up. We can customise a tailored plan and package together to execute a successful vision, message and experience for your customers.


Branding is about so much more than what people see. It’s about how you make people feel”

— Kimberly Haydn