A Girl Like You

Well, it’s been a minute! But, I think I’m finally where I need to be. Welcome to my new blog and drum roll… podcast - A Girl Like You. ⁣

For my friends, family and familiar followers, I’m that chick who used to be, kind of was… an ‘Influencer’. Yuck. That word literally makes me gag, because it doesn’t do what I set out to achieve justice. And it sounds so self-indulgent, let’s be honest #cringe. I had the Blue Tick (cue the second gag), the high-flying talent agent, a pretty successful blog, and I was on the receiving end of lots of free shit. The OG blog @sheis_sarahjane, and my (other) podcast @allthattriggers, were and are my happy places. I genuinely love creating content and writing is THE most cathartic form of therapy for me. That and fast walking to my fully sick, 90’s assortments of Spotify playlists. Behind every project, I have only ever had pure and selfless intentions. I wanted to lend my voice and experience to the wider community, with the hope of inspiring and supporting others - and that hasn’t changed. ⁣

A LOT has happened in the last year, almost to the day. Here’s a quick prelude: I separated from my husband, I am now a solo/single mamma, I’ve had a fur baby named Louie, I’ve aged about 374 years and my soul is tired. Wow, now there’s a sexy bio! While I’ll do my best to share as much as I can respectfully, there are details I can’t discuss at this time. But I will be open, honest, raw and ridiculous. I’m running out of f$%ks to give, so love me or leave me, knock yourself out. I like who I am and I hope soon, to LOVE who I am becoming. ⁣

Just little SJ and her Boogie Board, circa 1992 (and apparently narrated in the third person…)

A Girl Like You will be a collection of candid conversations about break-ups, breakthroughs, boys and bants. There will be no topic off-limits and I will be delving into all the fun stuff like: divorce, single mamma life, motherhood, relationships, trauma, my childhood, LOLs, friendships, MEN, ummm life, heartbreak, love, Netflix and a shit load more. ⁣

If you’re here for some juicy goss about why and how my marriage ended, soz. This isn’t about him anymore - oooohhhh snap! It’s all about ME, without sounding like an egocentric twat (but it is). Oh, and Zoe and I will absolutely still keep recording for All That Triggers, when she returns from her family holiday to Greece. I’m not jealous at all. Mole.

P.s I’ve just started watching The Flight Attendant… so random, but weirdly addictive. Check it out. Next on my list is Succession and Housewives of Dubai, lol.

Ahhhhh. It’s good to be (almost) back! Episodes dropping early August.

SJ x

My gawd I loved this dress, Tarjayyy I believe it was?! There was definitely a matching scrunchie ensemble too. Also featured is the left-hand side of my cute little sister’s face & my beautiful Uncle Geoff

Sponsored by the obligatory 90’s fringe (courtesy of mum), the chubby fingers & nothing has changed stance, and again… my cute little sis!

Fast forward about 28 years, THESE TWO - Mia & Max. My two favourite little people in the whole, wide world. As well as a finely manicured set of brows & some good contouring


Mirror, Mirror on the wall…